Absentee Voting for 2017 Election Begins September 22

Via an e-newsletter from Hennepin County:
All eligible voters in Hennepin County can vote absentee—either in-person or by mail—beginning Friday, September 22.
Vote early in person
In-person absentee voting will be available September 22 through November 6 at city halls and school district offices across Hennepin County and at the Early Vote Center in downtown Minneapolis at 217 S. Third Street. Each city location can accommodate voters who live in that particular city. Only Minneapolis residents can vote at the Early Vote Center.
To check if there is an election in their area or to find the appropriate polling place, voters can view a sample ballot from the Secretary of State’s website.
Voters who live anywhere in Hennepin County can pick up an absentee ballot application or a voter registration form at the Hennepin County Government Center – 300 S. Sixth Street, Minneapolis – skyway level. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Learn more about absentee voting in person.
Vote early by mail
Voters must fill out a paper application to receive a ballot. Paper applications are available in English, Spanish, Hmong, Somali, Vietnamese, Russian, Chinese, Lao, Oromo, Khmer and Amharic.
Voters do not need to be registered to vote to apply to vote absentee. To make the process easier, voters may want to register or ensure you are registered before applying for an absentee ballot.
Ballots will be mailed to voters within one to two days of receiving the application.
Completed ballots must be received on or before Election Day, November 7. Voters can return ballots by mail or in person