1st Precinct Reports Rise in Bike Thefts

From a January 8 e-news alert:
First Precinct has seen a rise in bicycle thefts from underground parking facilities in the last two weeks
In a proactive effort, MPD is asking the community to take special care with bicycles stored in underground parking facilities. It is earlier in the year than what we usually see this type of activity so we are urging extra precaution.
Several bicycles have been stolen, particularly in the North loop Community. A Bicycle Theft Information Flyer is attached along with a Home Inventory Sheet.
Stay aware of who is in your garage; do not allow anyone to piggyback when you are entering through the service or overhead doors. Allow the doors to fully close before proceeding in or out of the parking area. Secure you bicycle to a stationary object with a good lock. Make sure you have the description and serial number recorded and stored in a safe place.
Urge you neighbors to sign up for Crime Alert bulletins by going to http://www.minneapolismn.gov/police/crimealert/WCMS1Q-070530?list=90&nb=20
For questions, contact:
Renee Allen, Crime Prevention Specialist
Minneapolis Police Department, First Precinct
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