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Entries by Doug Verdier (67)


Doug Verdier's Third Avenue Bridge Photos from January 6-7, 2021

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project. He has also been documenting the Third Avenue Bridge refurbishment project.

Since the Third Avenue Bridge was closed to all traffic, bikes and pedestrians on Monday, construction activity on the bridge has increased significantly. Wednesday morning saw a tower of red steel framework being erected on the bridge, which was fascinating to watch.

In the two photos below, a section of the structure is being lifted by crane into place atop the growing tower:

Workers guiding the new section into place before attaching it to the growing tower.

As of Thursday, January 7, the horizontal arm of the construction crane was attached.


A Sign of the Times...

Submitted by Mill District resident, Doug Verdier

A recent Friday afternoon saw several customers outside Kramarczuk’s Deli on Hennepin Avenue wearing masks and maintaining social distance while patiently waiting to enter. A limit of seven customers at a time are allowed inside the store due to COVID-19 safety protocols. Similar patron limits and other safety measures are in effect at other merchants throughout the neighborhood.


Doug Verdier's Water Works Photos from November 17-19, 2020

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project (along with some bonus pictures of the Third Avenue Bridge refurbishment project). 

More landscaping and preparation for bricklaying were the order of the days during the past couple of weeks in Water Works Park. And not to be outdone, work on the Third Avenue Bridge continued in numerous locations. Following are just a few photos of progress captured during the past week. 

The scaffolding erected along two sides of the pavilion has been covered with plastic to provide a warm and weather-protective environment for bricklayers when that phase of the project begins. Meanwhile, interior work continues.

Twenty light poles were recently delivered and await placement throughout the park. In the foreground are vertical posts that will be part of a railing along the edge of the grassy area in front of the Bank of America City Steps.

Sod has now been installed between the newly resurfaced bike and pedestrian path and West River Parkway. The contractors regular watering of the sod, trees and shrubs planted throughout the park helps ensure the plantings will establish healthy root systems.

Another view of the new sod along the bike and pedestrian path and roadway.

A new pedestrian walkway on the park side of the bridge on First Street over the woonerf will connect new sidewalks on that side of the street between Third and Fifth Avenues. Rebar is in place within the frame awaiting concrete pour.

Shown here is the bridge walkway following the pouring of concrete, as workers smooth out the surface. Ornamental railing similar to that on the other side of the bridge will replace the wooden safety barriers on the right.

Repair and replacement of concrete on the base of this Third Avenue Bridge pier nearest Main Street is visible following removal of the forms. Similar work is underway in various stages on other piers across the river.

Steel pilings are in place around another of the bridge piers, forming a coffer dam to allow removal of damaged concrete around the base and below the water line and replacement of the surface concrete after attaching rebar to the bases of the piers. 

Doug Verdier's October 30, 2020 Water Works Photos

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.

This week marked another milestone in the restoration and construction of Water Works Park pavilion with the arrival of bricks and the erection of scaffolding around two sides of the building. Brick laying to the exterior of the pavilion should begin during the coming week.

Scaffolding in place and bricks and mortar mix in bags along West River Parkway side of the pavilion.

Closeup of some of the bricks that were delivered this week.

Scaffolding went up quickly around two sides of the building. The large windows shown will provide excellent river views from the restaurant to be named Owamni by The Sioux Chef, scheduled for opening in Spring 2021. When it opens, Owamni will be the only locally indigenous restaurant in a major U.S. city.

Another view of the front of the building showing scaffolding in place. The large white cone-shaped structure in front of the building will mix the mortar that will be used in laying the bricks.

Two additional artifacts from the former mill buildings that will be displayed in the park.


October 15 Water Works Photos from Doug Verdier

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.

Landscaping and structural work has been the focus of efforts at Water Works Park this week. Beautiful Fall weather enhanced the atmosphere.

Handrails custom built for stairs throughout the park were delivered and await installation.

An artifact from one of the former mill buildings has been placed beneath the First Street bridge in the woonerf.

Supports have been installed on the north side of the First Street bridge to accommodate a new pedestrian walkway that will be similar to the one on the south side. A sidewalk will eventually be constructed to Third Avenue on this side of the street.

Great weather for laying new blacktop on West River Parkway.

Pedestrians are already enjoying the newly paved trail along West River Parkway.

It takes a lot of dump trucks to deliver the amount of asphalt needed for the roadway.

Rolls of sod await installation in the park.

Landscape workers installing sod. This view is from First Street looking toward the river.


Mill District Resident Doug Verdier Shares October 6 Photos of Mississippi River Drawdown Project

Article and photos by Mill District resident Doug Verdier

When the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lowered the Mississippi River level in Minneapolis to conduct periodic inspections of the Upper and Lower St. Anthony Falls Locks and Dams beginning October 3, it offered local residents and visitors a unique opportunity to see the riverbed between the Upper and Lower St. Anthony Falls Locks. It also provided a window for examination below the rivers usual water line of the Stone Arch Bridge, which is currently projected for mortar repointing on the entire bridge, repair and replacement of stone, and additional repairs as needed. Construction on the Stone Arch Bridge is currently scheduled by MnDOT to begin in Fall 2022 through Spring 2024.

Following are October 6, 2020 photos of various locations between the locks that were visible during the drawdown of the river.

View from the Stone Arch Bridge overlooking the downriver basin of the Upper Lock. Water levels between the locks was lowered about 12 feet.

Looking back upriver toward the Upper Lock location. Stone Arch Bridge crossing the waterway.

Minneapolis Public Works employees spent hours removing debris from the exposed riverbed.

A bicycle brought up from the riverbed by Minneapolis Public Works employees.

Some of the debris removed from the riverbed included bicycles, skateboards, lawn chairs, a toolbox and many other items (mostly metal, which could not be immediately identified).

The East Bank looking down river toward the Lower Lock and Dam. People explored the riverbed to see what treasures they might find. More than one person had a metal detector.

Remnants of a long-gone bridge support exposed below the usual water line.

The darker lower portion of the piers of the Stone Arch Bridge are usually underwater.

Engineers preparing plans for the bridge repairs used a drone to get images from a variety of angles including beneath the bridge while they had the opportunity. The helipad for the drone was set up in an area that is normally under water.


Doug Verdier's Third Avenue Bridge Photos from September 25, 2020

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project. He has also been documenting the Third Avenue Bridge rehab project.

Much progress on the repair of concrete on the Third Avenue Bridge piers was seen during the past week.

The above photo shows workers constructing forms as part of the application of new concrete around the base of the pier. Deteriorated concrete has been removed and new rebar is in place. This pier is close to SE Main Street.

View of the same pier showing where deteriorated concrete has been removed from around the base.

Near the center of the span, workers are assembling platforms beneath and within the arch to allow access to other areas within the structure and the underside of the arch itself. The red objects in the photo on each of the platforms are stacks of plywood with red edges that will be used as repair work continues. Similar platforms can be seen under the arch at the far end of the bridge in this photo.

Third Avenue Bridge Construction Photos Taken September 16, 2020

Editors Note: In addition to documenting the progress of the Water Works project, Mill District resident Doug Verdier has also been photographing the Third Avenue Bridge rehab project.

Work on the Third Avenue Bridge continues with construction of a protective barrier around the base of one of the piers to enable restoration of the structure above and below the waterline.

Hundreds of large bags of what appears to be sand are lowered to the base of the pier where crushed rock previously had been placed to support heavy equipment. In this photo, five bags are being lowered by crane from a transport vehicle on the bridge to the area below. Once there, the smaller crane near the base of the pier picks up bags and puts them in place around the area that will be protected from the river during construction. White bags already in place can be seen starting the encirclement of the base of the pier.

A closer view of the bags being lowered from above, and the bags already in the river.

View from above showing the placement of bags around the upstream side of the pier near the Horseshoe Falls.

Another view from the bridge of the area below the Horseshoe Falls showing the progress in construction of the barrier that will ultimately encircle the base of the pier.


Third Avenue Bridge and Water Works Park Progress Photos from Doug Verdier

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project. He has also been documenting the Third Avenue Bridge rehab project.

Lots of activity to watch this past week along the riverfront. Third Avenue Bridge repair activities included work on the bridge piers, which extend into the river below and support the foundation of the bridge. On the West side of the river, landscape workers continued planting shrubs and trees throughout the new park, and irrigation installation continued. 

Tons of crushed rock were poured through yellow tubes into the area near the base of one of the piers to be used in forming a platform around the pier. This photo was taken at the beginning of the operation. Later, rock was poured by front loaders over the edge of the bridge. Once sufficient rock was in place, it could be spread around the pier base.

Machinery was lowered by crane onto the area where the crushed rock was poured to spread the rock around the base of the pier to create a work area for subsequent repair to the base of the pier.

A closer view of one of the machines used to spread the rock. A worker in front of the machine gives perspective to the size of the pier and the work area created by spreading the crushed rock.

On an adjacent bridge span, workers use a barge to position a machine to remove damaged concrete facing of the pier base. This section of the bridge is accessible by barge.

A closer look at the barge supporting the machinery used to remove the outer layer of concrete from the pier base.

Rebar can be seen on this pier base where outer concrete has already been removed.

Back at Water Works Park, the South Plaza area now has white pine trees and other plantings in place. Irrigation lines were previously imbedded beneath the surface area to ensure watering. The area is then mulched.

More plantings being done near the Bank of America City Steps along First Street.

During excavation of the former buildings on site, these artifacts of the mills that once operated at the location were saved for possible future display yet to be determined.


Doug Verdier's August 18, 2020 Water Works Photos

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.

Major landscaping has been taking place at the park these past 2 weeks. Lots of new trees of various types.

Irrigation lines in place along the West River Parkway edge of Water Works Park. The newly planted trees along this stretch have previously been mulched and also have water bags attached.

Line of new trees showing irrigation lines and mulching of the entire area underway.

Another view of the extensive network of irrigation lines being installed throughout the park.

Mulch awaiting spreading throughout the park as part of landscaping plan.


Third Avenue Bridge Renovation Photos

Article and photos by Mill District resident Doug Verdier

Work continues on the renovation of the Third Avenue Bridge, with major prep work being done on the base of one of the bridge piers nearest to Main Street.

Also this week, the water level of the Mississippi River below the bridge was lowered about two feet, allowing workers to install new wooden boards along the length of the Horseshoe Dam structure. The boards, which are now installed along the entire length of the Horseshoe Dam, help control the flow of the river in the area.

Removal of damaged outer layer of concrete is underway on this span near Main Street. 

Each span will undergo similar removal and replacement of outer material to below water line.

Horseshoe Dam upstream from Third Avenue Bridge shown high and dry after the river's water level is lowered to allow workers to install new wooden boards that will help control flow over the dam.

Workers first installed metal bars to support and attach wooden boards. A completed section of boards can be seen at top of photo.


Doug Verdier's July 29 Water Works Photos - Tree Planting

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.

The first of many new trees were placed within the Water Works Park site today, July 29. Five Northern Red Oaks were delivered on site and carefully planted along the front of the pavilion on either side of the existing cottonwood. More trees of a variety of types and sizes will  be coming soon, for example: Eastern Red Cedar, Swamp White Oak, White Pine, Sugar Maple and more. 

Trees awaiting placement on the site.

Bobcat carefully picks up and transports tree to its new home.

Holes are prepared to receive the trees that are gently deposited in the ground.

Workers from landscape company ensure that trees are properly placed and straightened before filling in the hole.

Making adjustments.

Getting ready to complete filling the hole with new dirt.


Doug Verdier's July 27, 2020 Water Works Photos, plus History at Heart Photos

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.

Below are the latest images from the Water Works site. There is a lot of landscaping work underway, and the machine that transports soil from the Parkway into the Water Works site is quite something to watch.

The four photos above show crews landscaping a section of the future Water Works Park above the newly constructed promenade that runs parallel to West River Parkway. Top photo shows a load of soil that will be scooped into a hopper (photo #4), and then onto a conveyor that transports the soil to the location where workers spread and tamp it down.

View from First Street of an area being landscaped. The conveyor machinery in the background is on West River Parkway.

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Below, images of an outdoor display called History at Heart on the chain link fencing behind the Mill City Museum. The Minnesota Historical Society sponsored History at Heart around the theme “We are living in a historic moment.” People of all ages inscribed heartfelt messages on wooden heart cutouts and attached them to the fence. Several hundred hearts are visible along the walkway, and many of the messages are quite moving. The display is worth a walk along the sidewalk to see.

Doug Verdier's Mid-May 2020 Water Works Photos

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.

It took only about 30 minutes to connect and lift the HVAC mechanical package from the trailer to the roof of the Water Works Pavilion, but the task required patience and precision.

Workers attached cables to each corner of the HVAC unit.

The lift itself went smoothly, with several workers both on the ground and on the roof guiding and making sure the unit was placed exactly where it was supposed to go and in the correct orientation.

New sidewalk and ramp along the First Street edge of the future South Plaza.

Lower portion of ramp from First Street level of South Plaza to vicinity of new main entrance of Pavilion.

Another view of the ramp and sidewalk from First Street level.

New stone arch main entry to Pavilion under construction. Remind anyone of the Stone Arch Bridge?

Panoramic view of the project from THird Avenue Bridge. In foreground is preliminary work on future woonerf location that will provide access to lower level of park via a passage beneath the iron bridge on First Street just south of Third Avenue.


Doug Verdier Shares March Photos of the Water Works Project

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.

Construction work at Water Works Park site continues, with intensified work on outside areas.

Workmen attaching insulation panels to pavilion exterior walls.

Forms in place for pouring of concrete below intersection of S 1st Street and 5th Avenue near future South Plaza area.

Forms laid along West River Parkway.

Another view of the forms in place along West River Parkway.

Additional view of the forms in place along West River Parkway.

View of the forms in place along West River Parkway with the Crown Roller Mill building in the background.

Workers constructing forms in the spot that will become a grassy area above former the Columbia Mill ruins.


Doug Verdier's February 25 Photos of the Water Works Project

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.

These photos, taken February 25th, show wooden forms in place against the inside of the stone wall on the river side of the Columbia Mill building. Concrete will then be poured into the forms, which contain rebar, to reinforce the stone exterior walls of the Mill building.

The right side of the above photo shows steel construction underway for the Sioux Chef restaurant area on the top floor of the Pavilion.  The vertical  concrete structure is the elevator shaft. 


Doug Verdier Shares Early February Photos of the Water Works Project

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.

Construction continues on the Water Works Park Pavilion as workers erect the steel framework for the restaurant level of the building.

Steel beam being positioned on the building.

Pavilion as seen from West River Parkway showing framework for the restaurant level of the park pavilion.

Interior of the former Columbia Mill building showing concrete reinforcing wall under construction inside the original mill walls.

Another view of the interior of former Columbia Mill building showing reinforcing wall under construction.


Doug Verdier Shares His Early to mid-January 2020 Photos of the Water Works Project

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.

Construction of Water Works Park continues despite snow and very cold temperatures. These photos from early to mid-January show work on the future structures and landscaping preparatory earthmoving.

Workers erecting forms that will be used to extend the elevator shaft​ up to the restaurant level. Once forms are in place, concrete will be poured into them to create the elevator shaft walls.
View of the elevator shaft form from 1st Street.
Inside view of former Columbia Mill showing rebar in place for pouring​ a reinforcing wall on the inner side the stone wall, which has been stabilized.
Closer view of the inside of Columbia Mill ruins as preparation​ continues for pouring of concrete reinforcing wall.
Work continues on the area north of the Columbia Mill structure. RiverWest condos in background.
Additional concrete prep work north of the Columbia Mill along 1st Street.
Landscaping work on the 1st Street level of the park.

Doug Verdier Shares His Latest Progress Photos of the Water Works Project

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project. 

Per Doug, watching them unload the 14,000 pound (each) poured concrete blocks with the crane was the most exciting activity. 

Positioning the crane along 1st Street S in preparation for unloading cast concrete blocks.

Flatbed trucks loaded with concrete blocks being positioned for unloading. Crane is on the right of photo.

Workers attaching cables from concrete blocks to crane preparatory to lifting from truck bed.

Concrete block being lifted from flatbed.

Blocks are stacked along 1st Street perimeter of park site, awaiting final placement. Each block weighs 14,000 pounds.

Block marked with recognition of Bank of America City Steps.

Despite snow and sub-freezing temperatures, work continues on the former Bassett and Columbia Mill structures:

On December 18, another crane arrived on the Water Works site, and workers began placing precast concrete sections on the historic ruins of the Bassett Mill, which will become a new park pavilion, housing event spaces and The Sioux Chef restaurant. The following photos show the careful lifting and placement of the sections.


Doug Verdier Shares His Latest Progress Photos of the Water Works Project

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project. The below photos were taken within the past week.

Of particular interest: Before and after shots of the reinforced concrete wall and elevator shaft going in next to the Columbia Mill wall; prep work for installation of large storm water infrastructure, which will be part of the reuse system; asphalt being laid on West River Parkway in front of the future park pavilion as well as on First Street S and 5th Avenue S intersection. 

This is a “before” shot of workers installing rebar in preparation for constructing forms that will be used in pouring the concrete reinforcing wall and elevator shaft next to former Columbia Mill. The “after” shot is at the end.

Preparing the site for installation of storm water retention and reuse system.
Large pipes that will form part of the storm water reuse system. These pipes were positioned along West River Parkway prior to being emplaced and connected on the site.
Some of the storm water infrastructure in place.
Rows of connected storm water system in place. The white bands indicate connections between sections.
Crew laying asphalt on West River Parkway.
Asphalt-laying operation on West River Parkway looking toward 3rd Avenue Bridge.
Curve at 1st Street S and 5th Avenue S after base layer of asphalt has been laid.
Here’s the “after” shot of crews removing forms after the concrete reinforcing wall and elevator shaft next to the former Columbia Mill exterior wall was set.