Article and photos by Mill District resident Doug Verdier
When the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lowered the Mississippi River level in Minneapolis to conduct periodic inspections of the Upper and Lower St. Anthony Falls Locks and Dams beginning October 3, it offered local residents and visitors a unique opportunity to see the riverbed between the Upper and Lower St. Anthony Falls Locks. It also provided a window for examination below the rivers usual water line of the Stone Arch Bridge, which is currently projected for mortar repointing on the entire bridge, repair and replacement of stone, and additional repairs as needed. Construction on the Stone Arch Bridge is currently scheduled by MnDOT to begin in Fall 2022 through Spring 2024.
Following are October 6, 2020 photos of various locations between the locks that were visible during the drawdown of the river.
View from the Stone Arch Bridge overlooking the downriver basin of the Upper Lock. Water levels between the locks was lowered about 12 feet.
Looking back upriver toward the Upper Lock location. Stone Arch Bridge crossing the waterway.
Minneapolis Public Works employees spent hours removing debris from the exposed riverbed.
A bicycle brought up from the riverbed by Minneapolis Public Works employees.
Some of the debris removed from the riverbed included bicycles, skateboards, lawn chairs, a toolbox and many other items (mostly metal, which could not be immediately identified).
The East Bank looking down river toward the Lower Lock and Dam. People explored the riverbed to see what treasures they might find. More than one person had a metal detector.
Remnants of a long-gone bridge support exposed below the usual water line.
The darker lower portion of the piers of the Stone Arch Bridge are usually underwater.
Engineers preparing plans for the bridge repairs used a drone to get images from a variety of angles including beneath the bridge while they had the opportunity. The helipad for the drone was set up in an area that is normally under water.